On the originality of ideas

A friend sent me this the other day and it made me laugh.   I was googling to try and find out who wrote it, and it turns the out the original was by a French cartoonist called Kadey. Whoever did the English version, as well as pasting out the French and...

The Money Pit

This Thursday night (October 29th) sees episode 1 of The Money Pit, starring Jason Manford and yours truly. So tune into Dave at 7.30. Here’s the blurb from Dave: forty total strangers put their own money on the line in the quest to invest in fledgling...

How to thrive in the age of robots

Now there’s an interesting question. What are the skills and qualities you will need to survive and thrive when robots are going to be taking all the best jobs? Tech entrepreneur and author, Richard Newton, says the desired qualities will be the things robots...