by admin@dominic frisby | Jul 26, 2012 | Films
Stills from ‘Debt Bomb’. (Main film and lyrics are here). The lovely ladies are Peggy De Lune and Scarlett Belle . The photographer is Peter Maxwell. [nggallery id=19]
by admin@dominic frisby | Jun 28, 2012 | Comedy
My debut comic. Enjoy the fantastic art of Michael Lee-Graham. (Click expand for the full experience). [issuu viewMode=singlePage width=420 height=594 backgroundColor=%23222222 documentId=120628072429-a415c4003740410583a3f8f01ee73c24...
by admin@dominic frisby | Jun 21, 2012 | News
A.J.P. Taylor is regarded by many as the finest British historian of the 20th Century. His most celebrated book was probably English History, 1914-1945. It was the final volume in The Oxford History of England chronicles and outsold all the others combined. My father...
by admin@dominic frisby | May 10, 2012 | Films
Enjoy THE FIRM, an animated fairy story. [youtube width=”720″ height=”405″][/youtube] Written by Dominic and Terence Frisby. Design and animation by Pola Gruszka. Music by Peter Grahame. Narrated and...
by admin@dominic frisby | May 7, 2012 | Comedy, News
I’ve yet to see the short versions on Discovery, but here’s the long version. [youtube][/youtube]