We have a new song for your entertainment – Gammon and Proud – one of my most ambitious projects yet.
It might be seen as a Bohemian Rhapsody for pigs and will, we suspect, be especially popular among pork lovers around the world.
Sterling musicianship, as always, from my co-conspirator, Noah Fleetwood, and wonderful direction by a new, but hopefully to be longtime collaborator, Will Thomas Freeman.
It features many of Britain’s top comedians (in my price bracket) including: Leo Kearse, Lewis Shaffer, Darius Davies, Danny Posthill, Brian Damage, Vicky de Lacy, Vicky Kember, Steve N Allen, Tim Clark and Susan Murray, who also produced the video.

As always audio is mixed by the remarkably patient Wayne McIntyre.

My thanks to Tedfold Cottage Farm and The Rose & Crown, Walthamstow