Wherever you are in the world, we need your help.

We are making a video of the National Anthem of Libertaria, and would like you to be in it.

Due to Covid 19, our original plans for the anthem have changed and we are now going to film it in the style of a virtual choir. Take a look at the screenshots of Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir to get an idea what I mean:

Please can you video yourself, your friends, your family singing along to the National Anthem and send us the video?

You do not need to be able to sing – we already have the song recorded. We just need the video of you singing along to it.

Please share this message far and wide. The more people we get singing this better.

We want people from everywhere in the world. It does not matter what age, sex, nationality or race you are. We want kids, teenagers, the middle aged, centenarians. We want able bodied and disabled, gay and straight, white, black and everything in between. From youthful Kalahari tribesman to aged Eskimo, from glamorous to plain, from famous to unknown, we want you. 


1. Please film this with as good a quality camera or phone as possible. The better the quality of your video, the better chance you will feature prominently. Use a tripod or selfie stick if you can. Perhaps get a friend or family member to film you.

2. You can film yourself in wide shot, mid-shot (from the waist up) or close up. 

3. Dress however you like, the bolder the better

3. The lyrics to the song are here. You either print them off,  read them off YouTube, learn them, if you like. There are also free teleprompter apps you can use on your phone. Whichever you chose, keep the lyrics/phone out of shot. 

4. The music to sing along too is on YouTube – or on the MP3 below (which you can download here).

5. Look down the lens as you sing, smile a lot – and sing heartily! 

6. You do not need to sing the first verse. You can begin at “Taxation of a form of theft” or “Free markets and free trade are best”

7. Please try and make sure you are decently lit. If filming outside avoid bright sunlight. The “golden hour” – an hour or so before sundown – is usually a good time. The better the quality of your video, the better the chance of featuring prominently. Ideally, get someone who knows what they are doing to film you – and then you film them.

8. Once recorded please share your video with us via WeTransfer, Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox etc. Our email address is [email protected] . Please don’t compress the files as that loses quality – keep the files as big and high quality as possible. (If you’re not sure how to share videos, get a friend to help you or try google. Drag and drop via WeTransfer is the simplest way)

9. Deadline is Sunday July 5th. Please share this far and wide

10. Any questions send me an email frizzers at gmail.com